keskiviikko 26. maaliskuuta 2014

My circus friend: Multitalent Jessica

Tänään haastattelin Jessicaa, joka on yksi vanhimpia sirkuslaisia täällä Estradilla. Tämä on hänen viides kevätnäytöksensä ja hän on mukana monessa eri numerossa. 

Jessica on monitaituri erilaisissa sirkuslajeissa. Hänen päälajinsa ovat trapetsi, pariakrobatia ja pyramidit. Näiden lajien lisäksi hän on mukana vipulautanumerossa.

Today I interviewed Jessica, who is one of the oldest here in Estradi. This is her fifth spring show and she takes part in many acts.

Jessica is multitalented in different kind of circus discipline. She specializes in trapeze, hand to hand and pyramides. She is also in teeterboard number. 

What is your favorite discipline? Why?
-Trapeze, because it's have been my main discipline for a long time (about 5 years now).

Are all your circus acts ready yet?
-Trapeze and hand to hand are ready. Pyramid act is almost ready, but we haven´t decided all the choreographies yet.

Is it hard to be part of so many numbers?
-Not at all! I like it so much!

Do you want to be circus artist when you grow up?
- I don't want to be artist but I think that it would be nice to be a circus trainer. 

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